
First, this guide target is systems administrators, if you ended there to find a user documentation about VHFFS, please read the TuxFamily FAQ, which is a user oriented documentation.

This guide considers that you:

  • Know Debian and how to use a shell very well
  • Are not afraid of learning new stuff, like reading documentation of softwares that you never used before
  • Are able to troubleshoot problems by reading logs and using tools
  • Already have installed a fresh Linux Debian Jessie system with only “standard system utilities” in tasksel.

Of course, you can use the system you want, this guide considers then that you are able to adapt the current guide to your case. Furthermore there is generic information along the guide for users who are not using Debian.

Anyway, we will help you if you encounter problems. Just follow the support reference if necessary.

doc/installationguide/introduction.txt · Last modified: 2016/10/02 18:31 by gradator
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